So while I was busy working on the proposal to the Sierra Club I came up with a way to fund my proposal and that is this: The creation of a Conservation Impact Fee on building permits. The fee would be based on the total square footage of the buiding project. How's that for an idea?
So then I suggested that the state coordinating group of the Sierra Club compile a list of hunting clubs, fishing clubs, gun clubs, birdwatching groups, and environmental organizations along with the contact emails of their current leader. Then they contact the following two organizations Republicans for Environmental Protection and The Audubon Society and enlist their aid on this project. The list is then split up 3 ways REP contacts the gun, hunting and fishing clubs, The Sierra Club contacts the Environmental groups, and the Audubon Society the birders and enlist their aid in an E-Campaign to promote my idea. We'll have a site for Pennies for Parks set up so that visitors can email or fax the Governor, Ttate Senator and Reps. Info on the campaign will go on everyone's web site and in everyone's newsletter. And voila! An insane amount of support for the Department of Parks and Wildlife with no real money spent. Tada!
Once a year I have a really great idea. Lets hope this one comes to fruition.
1 day ago