I'm happy to announce my support for the Coalition for Darfur. I am a staunch believer that genocide needs to be stopped at all costs wherever it rears its vile head. And I for one have been extremely dissapointed in the current administrations response to the situation in Darfur.
Below you'll find the history of the Coalition and information on how your blog can join. Please take the time to read it and do what you can to help. Thank you.
A Southern conservative and a Northern liberal have teamed up to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan and money for a worthy organization doing vital work there: Save the Children.
Drawn together by their love/hate relationship with federal judicial nominee William Pryor (Feddie of Southern Appeal loves him, Eugene Oregon of Demagogue hates him) the two have found common ground on the issue of Sudan.
For nearly two years, the government of Sudan and Arab militias known as the Janjaweed have rampaged through Darfur, raping women, killing thousands, destroying hundreds of villages as well as the agricultural economy and displacing more than 2 million people. Hundreds of thousands of people are in dire need of food, shelter, and medical care, but a lack of security is making it nearly impossible for international organizations to reach those most in need.
With the UN and the rest of international community plagued by paralysis and inaction, Feddie and Eugene are seeking to do what little they can to help. As such, the have banded together in an effort to alert the blog community to the genocide taking place in Darfur and raise money for Save the Children.
As founders of the coalition, Feddie and Eugene will do the majority of the work. All we ask is that you join us in raising awareness of the crisis in Darfur by, once a week, posting a short post on the topic (one that we will provide) on your blog. (This is the inaugural Coalition for Darfur post.)
If you would like to join us, please send your blog and e-mail addresses to coalitionfordarfur@gmail.com. Furthermore, if members of the coalition write any posts related to the issue, feel free to send them to us as well so that we can post a short excerpt and link to any such posts.
An estimated 300,000 people have died from violence, disease and starvation in Western Sudan. We ask you to join us in raising awareness of this continuing genocide and raising money for Save the Children, which, despite the insecurity and deaths of several of its aid workers, continues to provide food, water, shelter, and protection to over 200,000 children and families each month.
1 day ago