By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer The senators' vote was 49-48 to limit debate and bring the amendment to a yes-or-no decision. That was 11 short of the 60 needed, killing the measure in the Senate for this year. President Bush suggested the ban was proper and its time would still come. He said, "Our nation's founders set a high bar for amending our Constitution and history has shown us that it can take several tries before an amendment builds the two-thirds support it needs in both houses of Congress." I doubt anyone expected it to pass. But even W's base saw it for what it was, pandering. It was a ham handed political move that failed. The next ham handed political issue soon to be a sty in public's eye will be flag burning. I expect that one will meet a similiar fate as this one.
WASHINGTON - The Senate rejected a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage by a wide margin Wednesday, delivering a stinging defeat toThe Senate rejected a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage by a wide margin Wednesday, delivering a stinging defeat to President Bush and other Republicans who had hoped the issue would rally GOP voters for the November elections." President Bush and other Republicans who had hoped the issue would rally GOP voters for the November elections.
1 day ago