I ran across the first link via Centerfield which then led me to the second link:
From The Lebanese Political Journal:
"What are the Syrians and Hezbollah thinking? Goad Israel into an attack?"
"I don't want to be caught in an Israeli bombing campaign. I don't want to live without electricity and water. I don't want to live with the fear of war.
From Step by Step: Making Aliyah to Israel
"I was up all night watching the news, checking the various online newspapers. My phone rang at 3 a.m. My mother, of course. She was worried. She was angry. My mother is a very big fan of Mahmoud Abbas. She considers him to be a man of peace and a man of principle, of intelligence and pragmatism --and she understands, of course, that these very qualities are why he has so little real power or influence. Moderateness is not valued in this part of the world."
"Had a conversation with a friend today. She is even more to the left than I am. She was in tears. "We've just been wasting our time and our energy hoping for peace, working for peace, believing that they want and value the same things as we do. They don't. They don't even care about themselves, about their own interests, about their own people. I can't do it anymore, I've had enough," she said, "I'm washing my hands of it. They can go to hell in the handbasket of their own making."
1 day ago