With some people paying 100$ to fill up their tanks it time to repost my list of gas saving tips...
gasbuddy.com tracks prices all over America on a station by station basis. They have websites for most major cities (insert city name)gasprices.com so for me its sanantoniogasprices.com
Also make sure your tires are properly inflated normally thats 35 on the little meter thingy for most cars and light trucks. Under inflated tires can cost ya 2 mpg.
Remove any dead bodies from your trunk, move that dashboard altar inside, and limit yourself to 1 gun and 2 magazines per car. 100 additional pounds = 1 mpg
Time for that tune up and/or oil change that you've been putting off = up to 5 mpg (if you're bad about maintenance, request platinum plugs, they last for 3 years)
Other maintenance Air Filter (you CAN do this yourself in 5 minutes), PCV valve (costs 5$ and is as easy to change as an air filter), Fuel filter (these suckers vary wildly in price and ease of installation ask your mechanic about it when you get your tune up)
And ya may wanna run a gas treatment through your car next fill up. (I use Marvel Mystery Oil twice a year. I'd tell you why but it'd make a for longer potentially boring post.)
Sam's Club and Costco have the cheapest gas in town if you already have a membership. But don't go buying a 35 to 50$ membership just to save a dime per gallon on gas. However if you start buying you're gas, milk, potty paper, trash bags, water filters, pet food, laundry detergent and Vaseline there you'll save money in the long run. (Note: Costco is usually cheaper than Sam's. Costco caps its profit margin at 20% Sam's doesn't AND Costco's often have liquor stores in them. Always a plus.)
Plus in the event we are ever besieged by Zombies having to pull over to forage for gas as little as possible becomes really important.
1 day ago