Vanity Fair has released part of the NORAD 9/11 tapes along with a transcript. If you can bear it I advise you to read the transcript first and then listen to the audio. The audio loads quickly even on dial up. It is an incredible read involving ghost planes, 30 minute long FAA information lags, airlines not confirming missing planes, the FAA ordering scrambled jet fighters out of NYC and more. It was in the truest sense of the word a clusterfuck.
What really stands out on the audio is exactly how collected Major Kevin Nasypany, the facility's mission-crew commander, stayed throughout the 100 minutes of the 9/11 attacks. His performance that day was truly commendable. And what becomes apparent is that NORAD did the best they could given the circumstances that day.
Vanity Fair 9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes
1 day ago